If you want a versatile and cost effective method of catching prospective customers’ eyes, banners may be just the thing you’re looking for. As well as being fully customisable to suit your business’ needs, they can be folded up and moved around with ease.
It’s important to make sure your banner reads well, though. The below, spotted by myself on a trip to Japan, makes little sense. The creator can be forgiven considering translation is a tricky task, and not within all companies’ budgets, but it teaches us some important lessons:
1. Use Spell-check
It’s easy to miss spelling errors in a document, but luckily almost all word processing software these days has built-in spell-check capability.
2. Check Apostrophes
“Dave’s Vegetables” is correct, “Dave’s Vegetable’s” or “Daves Vegetable’s” is not. The apostrophe can be tricky to get the hang of, but it can make a banner look unprofessional if used incorrectly!
3. Have it Proofread
Have someone else read the banner text before sending it off to be printed. This will highlight spelling and grammatical errors and allow you to change them before it’s too late.
So when you're designing your next pull up banner, sure, the images are important, but be sure not to overlook the details of the written copy. After all, that's what gets your message across... Sayonara!